We build the world (Civil Engineer.)
We build the magic world (Comuter Engineer)
We connect the world (Electronics & Communication Engineer.)
We are the powers of world (Electrical Engineer)
We move the world (Mechanical Engineer)
Happy engineer's day✊
Happy engineer's day✊
Reality is different in my opinion.
Most of the engineers are becoming "maintenance engineer".
Most of the engineers are becoming "maintenance engineer".
The civil engineer is becoming as supervisor engineer.
The computer engineer becoming data entry engineer or Microsoft Excel engineer.
The electronics engineer becoming cable jointer.
After completion of any type of engineering there is a separate engineering stream ready for many engineers, Software engineering.
Sometimes, I recall the dialogue from Interstellar.
"Come on. You're a well-educated man Coop.
- And a trained pilot.
- And an engineer.
Okay, well,
right now we don't need more engineers. We didn't run out of television screens and planes.
We ran out of food.
The world needs farmers.
Good farmers, like you."
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